Nov 21, 2012

Slingmeet Meeting

Dear Mothers

Do you have a baby that loves being held and doesn’t like to be on the pram, cot, car seat,
etc? Would you like to get some work done in the house while responding to your child
needs? Do you find difficult to attend your older children while looking after your little one?

Many mothers find the use of a sling/baby carrier the perfect solution. But, have you ever
wanted to use one and didn’t know how? How about a place where you can try different
types before buying your own?

Would you like to learn how to make your own?

Slingmeet is a group for parents, or parent’s-to-be, to learn and share about their experience
in baby slings or baby carriers.


NAME: Slingmeet Tokyo

WHEN: Thursday, 22nd November, from 10 to 12.

WHERE: If you wish to attend, please contact me at and I will send
the full address.