Our group gives pregnant women and women trying to conceive a chance to meet other expecting and TTC mothers. Our meetings provide an opportunity for members to learn about and discuss various issues related to conception, pregnancy, delivery and newborn parenting in Japan. For information about joining the group, please click on the 'TPG membership' page!
Mar 4, 2025
Next TPG Meeting - 03/07
Speaker: Victoria Lindsay, MS, RD
Time & date: Friday, 7th of March 2025 at 11:00 - 12:00.
Topic: Fueling Motherhood: Healthy Meal Prep Ideas for Before & After Baby
Info: Join registered dietitian Victoria Lindsay for a discussion on how to prepare healthy meals before and after the birth of your baby. We will discuss some of the most common nutrition issues Victoria sees with pregnant and postpartum patients, and how you can avoid these through fun and easy meal prep tips and tricks.
Location: Zoom (link will be sent out shortly before the meeting to those who reserve their spot, usually Wednesday evening or Thursday morning.)