Nov 26, 2024

Next TPG Meeting 11/28

Speaker: Brett Iimura Time & date: Thursday, 28th of November 2024 at 11:00 - 11:40. Topic: birth intervention rates in Japan Info: Brett Iimura, the director of Childbirth Education Center (CEC), has taught continuously in Japan since 1996, including having expanded to online classes 10 years ago, way before Covid! Having taught over 2000 couples from more than 75 countries to date, she has collected data on women's experiences of birth in Japan, including the fact that women in her classes have had approximately half the rate of episiotomy as is typically seen in Japan. We will briefly discuss rates of interventions in Japan and strategies for navigating the system to find the support needed for the kind of birth you are looking for. We will then have an open discussion time for any and all questions birth related! Location: Zoom (link will be sent out shortly before the meeting to those who reserve their spot, usually Wednesday evening or Thursday morning.)

Nov 12, 2024

Next TPG Meeting 11/14

Speaker: Alix from Urban Heroes Tokyo Time & date: Thursday, 14th of November 2024 at 11:00 - 11:40. Topic: Fitness during pregnancy and post-natal recovery Info: I´m Alix and I´m a personal trainer and group fitness coach with Urban Heroes Tokyo, an international outdoor fitness community, located in the heart of Tokyo. Originally coming from Canada, I moved to Japan two years ago with my husband and my now 4 year old son. As a passionate fitness coach, I want to inspire women to start or continue their exercise when pregnant and to help postnatal women in their recovery. Our workshop is tailored for expecting mothers, where we explore the benefits of staying active throughout pregnancy and postpartum. Discover how exercise and mindful movement not only support your physical health, but also enhance your mental wellbeing, preparing you for the transformative journey ahead. We also have time to answer any potential questions or doubts. For instance, we often meet pregnant women feeling insecure about how to work out safely and when postpartum just the thought of getting out of the door can feel very overwhelming. We want to give you the opportunity of getting a smooth start and support you in any way we can. Location: Zoom (link will be sent out shortly before the meeting to those who reserve their spot, usually Wednesday evening or Thursday morning.)