
About Our Meetings

A speaker is present at every meeting to discuss issues relevant to you and pregnancy - e.g. childbirth educators, midwives, obstetricians or even new Moms.

Talks are very informational but also informal. Afterward we chat and munch! Each person brings a relatively healthy snack or drink to share with the group. For example, fruit, vegetables and dip, sandwiches or your favorite baked goods.

We meet every other Thursday from 11am-1pm. The meetings usually last about 2 hours and are held in various group members' homes (TPG members host on a volunteer basis - this is not required of all members, only those who would like to).

Meetings are held in English, but we welcome those who speak English as a second language to also join our meetings. This is an excellent opportunity to meet other expectant mothers and make new friends.

Please see our blog homepage to stay updated for details of upcoming meetings.