
Jul 21, 2024

Next TPG Meeting 07/25

Speaker: Helen Zhang Time & date: Thursday, 25th of July 2024 at 11:00 - 12:00. Topic: The Benefits of Pilates for a Healthy and Comfortable Pregnancy Info: Helen is a Movement and Pilates Educator, the founder of My Body My Pilates Studio and a specialist of Pre & Post Natal Care; scoliosis, spine health, post injury rehab and special population. For more information, please check out her website: Location: Zoom (link will be sent out shortly before the meeting to those who reserve their spot)

Jul 8, 2024

Next TPG Meeting 07/11

Speaker: Laura Gainche Ph.D. Time & date: Thursday, 11th of July 2024 at 11:00 - 12:00. Topic: From Womb to Bloom: Understanding Your Baby's Sleep Journey Info: Explore your baby's sleep journey with a neuroscientist and sleep expert. Learn about optimal sleep environments, first-year sleep patterns, and various sleep approaches. Understand circadian rhythm development and debunk common sleep myths. Gain evidence-based insights to make informed decisions tailored to your family's unique needs. Location: Zoom (link will be sent out shortly before the meeting to those who reserve their spot)